SuCo Spotlight March ’23 – Heath Clinger
This month SuCo wants to spotlight the leader of our Compliance team, Heath Clinger! Heath hit the ground running day one with demonstrating a keen understanding of how to partner with the business, while shouldering the responsibility of managing risk across the organization.
Behind the scenes, Heath manages licensing requirements, tracks marketing efforts and new engagements to mitigate risk, fosters strong relationships with internal teams as a trusted business partner, and manages regulatory and customer care processes.
Heath is not only a welcoming and friendly presence at SuCo, but also one of the kindest individuals you will meet. His commitment to taking on the most daunting of challenges and saying, “I can figure this out,” is truly commendable. Take a minute to learn a little more about Heath…
What is your proudest accomplishment at SuCo?
My parents taught me to be humble and I generally try to view progress in terms of setting new baselines rather than reaching a goal but, since you asked, I have to say that the team’s efforts in Medicare last year was a proper uphill climb. Everyone really rallied around the cause, and I was glad compliance could contribute. Of course, there’s more climbing to do this year!
What do you find most rewarding in your role at SuCo?
Our Legal and Compliance team has its hands in just about everything. I never feel better than when I’m able to help a team member move forward with a better understanding of the “why” that guides a decision. I have a diverse background and a natural inclination to really understand the nuts and bolts of how things work. When my job and my interests come together to help a teammate, that’s a good day!
What advice would you give to someone who might want to join our team?
When I think about a “good fit” at SuCo, it really has to be someone who is excited about coming to work to make a difference. That’s so cliché, but I’ve worked places where simply suggesting process improvements makes you an outcast. It’s like that scene in the movie Big when Jon Lovitz tells Tom Hanks to slow down because he’s making everyone look bad. With the amazing team at SuCo, I think there’s not only an openness to improvements but there’s a standing green light to implement them. Nobody here holds you back from a good idea!
What’s on your bucket list this year?
(Aren’t bucket lists things to do before you die?) I really like challenging myself with DIY projects. My wife thinks (and a photo of my garage supports) that maybe I like starting them more than finishing them, but the truth is that I don’t have a lot of free time, so I’m only interested in the part that’s hard to figure out, then I move on. Google Photos reminded me of an electronics project that turned 2 years old last week. Maybe I’ll resolve to wrap that up.
#legal #compliance #team #martech #employeerecognition